Comics process

Process, process, process and MORE process!

Part 2 of my epic journey from script to … a page of a comic book. Now readable in The Process Behind a Page, Part 2 . In this episode:



Comics process

Process, process, process!

I’m putting together a little — I don’t know what you call it, demo, tutorial? — on how I take a comics page from this:

to this:

Read all about it here!*

*Or choose “process behind a page” from the menu on the left.


Boston’s Future – A BCR Jam

As of today, the “Future Boston” issue of the Boston Phoenix is history, as far as the newsstands are concerned, but the Boston Comics Roundtable’s jam comic* on the theme is on the Phoenix website, where, presumably, it will still be available even after human life on earth is extinct!

I’ve posted the full page of it here, in the “Read My Comics” section (the Phoenix site shows it as a slide show, which is also cool. The individual panel credits are there too). Our next plan is to format it as an 11 x 17 color poster….

(*OK, it’s maybe not technically a jam comic, but kind of)


Future Boston Comics!

This past week, the BCR was asked by the Boston Phoenix to contribute some comics to their “Future Boston” issue, which comes out on this Thursday, the 21st. I won’t “scoop” the paper by showing you what we came up with… but they also asked for some on-theme spot illustrations to possibly use in the issue. I don’t know if they’ll run them or not, but here are the ones I did:


Review: I Cut My Hair #3 by Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg

Eisenberg’s clean-line style is a real treat. Her line is fluid and sensitive enough to define volumes and express facial expressions and gestures, and precise and controlled enough for some virtuoso architectural drawing (especially the sequence in the Forbidden City). There’s little or no shading (when she shades, she uses a broken-line haching that works nicely) and the pages have a clean, inviting look, with the few solid blacks generated by the characters’ dark hair or other small details. Her characters are distinctive, both in facial features and body type. Printed at 8.5 x 11, the scale of this “mini” gives the art room to be appreciated fully.

“I Cut My Hair” #3 is pretty much straight journal/auto-bio comic, relating the protagonist’s trip to Beijing to visit her boyfriend in 2009. It provides the bare-bones pleasures of the genre: a little glimpse into other lives, a little informative travelogue, some good descriptions of their various meals. Beyond that, it’s not exactly thrilling drama; a pervasive sense of ‘niceness’ (there’s really no conflict here at all, with the exception of an unpleasant cab ride), is both the strength and weakness of the writing. Though minimally eventful, at 36 pages, the narrative doesn’t drag; once you give yourself over to an understated, day-by-day account of her travel, the leisurely pace and sense of completeness to the story is welcome.

Story-wise, this isn’t much more than pleasant, likeable stuff — told with clarity — but Eisenberg’s beautiful artwork tips the balance strongly in favor of this comic.

36 pages, black and white, stapled.


latest illustration

For Sage Knight’s Living Well column, “Try It On, Let it Go”:

The column will appear in next week’s Topanga Messenger.

See more of these illustrations here.


“Show and Tell” Kickstarter campaign

To all comics and or/education fans: help kickstart “Show and Tell,” the official anthology of the New England Comic Arts in the Classroom conference!

If nothing else, watch 3 anthology editors “uh” and “um” their way through the kickstarter video!


“The Last Act”

I continue to add comics from my “archive” to this website. The Last Act is a fictionalized account of a true anecdote set in Boston in 1865.  It was written by Susan Chasen and drawn by me. It’s 5 pages long and was published in 2009 “Inbound 4: A Comic Book History of Boston.”


“From Afar”

“From Afar,” a science fiction geek-romantic- adventure originally appeared in Boston Comics Roundtable’s “Inbound 3,” in 2009. Just in casethere’s anyone left in the world who doesn’t own a copy of that classic anthology (there may still be a few copies available…), I thought I’d make it available for you reading pleasure here, as well. It’s posted in “Read My Comics.”


There’s Nothing Like Christmas, Part 3

Soon to be seen on Boston Comics Roundtable’s holiday wrapping paper!