(This is a diary of the process of creating chapter 3, updated bottom-to-top. Â So, if you want to follow the whole thing beginning to end, start at the bottom and scroll up)
July 10-13: page 7
For once, this page worked out on the first try. Here are the finished inks, as the kiss commences:
July 5-6 (and peeking ahead to July 23): page 6
This is relatively straightforward compared to what came before, because it’s a “closer-up” view of the couple, meaning less background (phew!). Â The boy leans in for a kiss, puckering up.
My last rough in the mock-up was extremely close, but I decided to move back to a medium view, so as not to lose the body language. Â Started with a couple of sketches/roughs:
Then launch into a final version…
Not happy with this so I abandoned it. Â It felt to me a little like the direction of his “lunge” was wrong, like he was going to miss her. Â Also I had him too close, and I didn’t like the way his nose overlapped with her hair. Â So try again:
I decided also to not make the background shading a uniform gradation (referencing the lamplight from above-right, and getting darker as it moves to the lower right corner), but left light between their faces, so as not to mess up their contours, and let the “light” between them work emotionally.